Friday 27 October 2017



math:In math we have been learning  identifying the key word in groups and learning decimals some were hard some were really really really really hard I felt that I could try harder next time.

writing: we have been writing thank you letters to the parents on camp I wrote to Lisa Shaw.

reading: I am reading horrid Henry underpants I think children my age that like humour should read it.           

Tuesday 24 October 2017

camp refletion

here is a link to there home page
this is me on the tough guy challenge ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ˜… 

Day 1: we got into our groups and discussed what we were doing first group 5 my group went raft building with Mr Gemmell so group 5 walked around the lake 2 the raft building area we got six barrels and a pile of bamboo the first boat sort of did and did not float and the second one was successful until I jump of and swam back 2 shore๐Ÿ˜…
Day 2: horse riding group 5 made there way 2 the barn and put our bags down while the trainers introduced themselves to us and fitted us with helmets and showed us to our horses I got a big fat ginger one with a bezse mane suddenly they started talking about how to control the horse and stuff it was kinda hard at first but it smoothed then we were told to get on our horse and follow the horse in front of us.

Friday 29 September 2017



math: we have been learning about fractions a showing through using blocks and I  cant remember what else we did.

writing: hant been doing writing

reading: i have been reading funny kid it has to be other wise whats the point of the the title

Wednesday 27 September 2017


The stage crew( lighting/sound )
I wasn't here when the picture was taken but in the picture at the front there is the rest of the lighting ----------------------------------------------->


Tuesday 26 September 2017


my speech about smoking

It feels very... well nerve-raking to stand up in front of 29 class mates AND GIVING YOUR OPINION!!!! sorry about that because when you get to share your legs start shaking and you feel
dizzy but you eventually finish it.

Friday 25 August 2017



math: we have been looking at patterns and stuff with mr gemmel.

writing I have been writing the piece and the family feud has been very VERY VERY FUN!!!!!! doing all the fonts and graffiti by the way here a link to graffiti creator ...   .

reading: I am reading amulet book four and five the main bad guy is max whom betrayed emily and the crew but they still havent defeted the elves 

Friday 11 August 2017

Friday 4 August 2017



math:   we have been working on the math part of the learning ( does that count ) anyway my goal is 3a here a link to it learning conference.

writing: ive been writing my learning conference and this here reflection ( but writing the learning conference was 99.9 % more fun writing it ) .

reading: I've been reading dont kiss girls its 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% funner than dirty Bertie could not stop reading it.      

Wednesday 2 August 2017


Jasper's speech
Imagine you're lying there in hospice  5 minutes until your dead sadly thinking
Im at the age of 63 now it's 9pm at night and right now I should be sitting down watching news hub .,.,.,..,,.. but no! I've bought those cigarettes it shortened my life  And I might not
even see my children again actually I'LL never see my children again
p1  How many people it kills
Smoking dates back hundred of years and has claimed millions of lives. In the USA smoking obliterates 480,000 people every year that would be the equivalent to 1315  death every day. In the year 2015 15.1% of u.s adults smoke. And if you're wondering about the Netherlands 26.1%. And this is how it keeps lit how it keeps lit, potassium nitrate one of the three ingredients in black gunpowder imagine smoking gunpowder yuckety yuck!

P2  How people become addicted.
Its a murderer it's a thief it's a , it's a
it’s an addiction. It all starts off with your friends they start cigarette smoking and think it's cool and swarg and tell you it's cool and those are the negatives the positives are the ones who actually care about health regulations and high cost values and what it does to you.      
P 3 Solutions
There is not many solutions to cigarette smoking sometimes corn on the cob and broccoli help a bit to stop the addiction also for those who don’t like broccoli please take this for advice , have you ever read the book holes you know mr sir sunflower seeds actually help you stop smoking.  
Sooo if you ever see a man and his friends having a cigar and some macs apa beer be sure NOT to do that when you're older be the filter not the chemical.